About Me

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Houston, Tx, United States
Let's be real here... I'm in that annoying new mommy phase of my life where I am tempted to put up a picture of my son instead of myself so EVERYONE will know how cute he is. I'm trying to control it... honest. I have had a pretty life altering year to say the least. It's adjustment time... let's see how that goes.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The best time to call me

It seems we finally have some semblance of a routine. Not the world's greatest routine, but a routine all the same. I'll take it.

6-7 pm.. he craps out for about 7 hours of pure blissful sleep... those of you who can actually bring yourself to go to bed at this time.... you're a better woman than I

2-3am... feed me

3-5/6... feed me mommy and let's play

At this point he likes to stay awake just long enough that I actually wake up... not just zombie feed... but am alert and awake enough to finally watch him doze off when it's just. too. late for me to go back to sleep. So should you feel like chatting, I have about two hours in the early morning of him teasing me with his snores.

Talk to you then.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

whats a schedule?