About Me

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Houston, Tx, United States
Let's be real here... I'm in that annoying new mommy phase of my life where I am tempted to put up a picture of my son instead of myself so EVERYONE will know how cute he is. I'm trying to control it... honest. I have had a pretty life altering year to say the least. It's adjustment time... let's see how that goes.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I love to win. LOVE it.

So amazingly our exlandlord came back and agreedto reimburse us $1,386.66. Yes, she did put the $ .66 in there for good measure. I'm suprised she agreed to it but I think I charged her like a bull and it may have intimidated her just a teensy tiny little bit.
I am firmly against the saying "You catch more flied with sugar". pfft. No you don't, scare the hell out of them and they usually do what you say ;)

Kidding, kidding....


angela7000 said...

Ha! I laughed out loud at this one...we all know you aren't kidding, glad that you WON! :P

Mandy said...
